I searched for it on Tubi and nothing came up.

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Interesting; it's showing up on my Tubi app. I wonder if there's a regional difference in what's available?

It's available on other streaming services I'm pretty sure.

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I'll check it out...

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by erniet

Watched this! It is at its most horrific, IMO, in its exploration of social dynamics between the upper and lower moneyed classes. Had to turn off/pause on several occasions when the women are making high-pitched noises at each other (ironically, male dismissiveness of women's valid concerns is one of the central themes). The denouement is a bit of a spazz-fest but that's all too typical of the genre. You're never going to please horror fans who think the monster should never be shown (me) and those who want to see it in all its corny practical-effects glory, so Newman tries to split the difference. "Here's to not being killed by dwarves."

Reminded me of another classic, DEMON WIND (1990), although in all frankness EVERWINTER NIGHT is better made and slightly less ridiculous. https://tubitv.com/movies/525258/demon-wind

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I believe I’ve seen “Demon Wind” but it’ll be worth a re-watch; sounds like you enjoyed it then!

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DEMON WIND is both complete garbage and a wonderful way to spend time. None of it makes sense.

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Like so many cheap horror films!😂

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SPOOKIES was a lot of fun. 99-cent store Edward Gorey in the '80s vibe. Knocking the Grim Reaper off the roof of the decaying manse so he takes a comic pratfall. https://tubitv.com/movies/100016462/spookies

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I may have seen that in the theater…or I got it as a rental back in the VHS days…😂

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