"Uncle Peckerhead"? Good grief....

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You didn’t like it?😂

Oh, well, I thought it was fun!

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I haven't seen it- I just think it's a weird name. Just like that of the star of the animated show "Uncle Grandpa".

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I almost didn’t watch it because of the title, but I’m glad I did!😂

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Always happy to get some creepy indie recs. The only one I've seen, a few times, is The Autopsy...

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It's a good one!

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I haven't seen any of these films, and I'm a bit of a horror buff. However, I am going to correct that very quickly. I might have to start with the Brian Cox film having only seen him as a bit of a monster in "Succession." But, they all sound worth a scream!

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Enjoy! Let me know what you think, and if you have any to recommend please do!

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Oct 13Liked by erniet

Thought I would drop a few in here for you

Gravy - Comedic Gore, just fun


Driven - uber with a demonic fare not much of a plot but fun


The Fare - Noir sci-fi romance twisy very well done


Red11 - no budget, generic plot, well done within it limits, one of my favorite characters of all time - I can't watch a movie without shouting out "Score" since watching this.


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I’ve seen The Fare; that’s a good one!

I’ll check the others out starting tonight! Thanks!

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Not seen any of those. Thank you. ‘Uncle Peckerhead’ what a title!! 👌🏼😂

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I almost didn't watch it because of the title; I was so glad I did though! It actually has a 100% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, if you can believe it!😂

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Oct 13Liked by erniet

Uncle Peckerhead was awesome!

I'm pretty sure I saw No One Lives and liked it, now I'll have to watch it again to be sure.

Wife liked Storage 24, I kinda slept through it. Will check out the others.

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The only one of these I’ve seen is The Autopsy of Jane Doe but it’s a great one! Turned it on one day without looking much into it, expecting it to be another cheap, bad horror movie and was pleasantly surprised!

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Yeah, the whole ending was a shocker, too...I don't want to post spoilers here but it was equal parts satisfying, disturbing, and creepy!

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At least one horror movie a day?!


I just scribbled "Resolution (2012)" on a piece of notebook paper...

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I stream them on my iPad while I'm doing something that doesn't require a lot of attention...things like sanding, filing (as in with a file, not puttin paper away), painting miniatures or building models, cooking. It's amazing how many you can watch doing that stuff!

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That's so cool.

And you never once go, "how about romantic comedy today...", or something? :)

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😂 Maybe not rom coms, but I like action flicks, martial arts movies, film noir, classics, and also K-dramas!

The algorithm sure recommends horror, though!😂

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Hehe. It's good to know what one likes!

I also have a couple of niches where I go DEEP... 😄

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Thank you erniet! I will pass this on to Randy who is a fan of horror genre films, and we will watch a few during this spooky season! 👻

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You're welcome! Enjoy!

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One of my adult children loves horror, so I’m going to save this for her! I love creepy/thrilling stuff, but have too many nightmares to watch horror myself 😁.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Author

If she hasn't seen some of these I hope she enjoys them!

Say, did you see my villanelle (Reflections on a quote from Charles Bukowski)?

I've got a horror villanelle dropping next week and another (non-horror) in November. I think the November one's the best of the lot...

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Oh shoot, I thought I did, but I may have missed it. I’ll double back and look for it. Villanelles are cropping up all over Substack and it’s been so fun to have a new sense of appreciation for them.

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The dog was! Rewatching those is always a good time.

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Agreed. I was disappointed in the sequel when he wasn't home lol...

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Yes! Wasn’t the dog there, though?

An excuse to watch them again…😂

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Resolution! My favorite indie horror of all time! You are truly a man of great taste sir.

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Thanks! That film is amazing…it walks the fine line between mystery and explanation perfectly!

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Couldn't agree more. That ending I actually thought was perfect. The scene with the strange Frenchman... the window visitor... So good!

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Yes, I think the scene with the Frenchman is my favorite…it’s so bizarre and fraught with malice but at the same time so calm…

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